The ideal solution for your industry

Welcome to STARKOS - The ideal solution for your industry.

STARKOS is a trading company based in Munich / Germany, specializing in the search and supply of all kinds of industrial materials (MRO) worldwide.

STARKOS is proud of its diverse international experience in placing vital links between supplier and customer, acting on all interests of the latter, breaking down the barriers of geography, language, avoiding unnecessary delays and frustrations in both production and shipment of the goods imported.

Acting in various fields and with most commodities of all the main industries, including - automation, mechanical, hydraulic, fuel, electrical, construction, automotive, pharmaceutical and medical, we have highly trained and experienced staff, fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, English and German, among others, we also hold an extensive and extremely solid database. At STARKOS we have access to thousands of products and suppliers from around the world ensuring a modern, reliable and responsive relationship between all parties in the supply chains world market. Any information requested necessary for your company will be offered in such a fast and clear way, your purchase will be entirely satisfactory and significantly reduced in time and operating costs.

We are highly skilled and efficient in the management of materials and their consignment, including the issuance of documents in accordance with the requirements of each customer and industry. We must agree with the prevailing tax laws and customs of each country of origin and final destination to ensure the sending and receiving of goods are under the appropriate conditions and desired terms of shipment.



The supply of industrial supplies (MRO) is essential for the functioning of a company, but is also quite expensive. The amount of manufacturers throughout the world make purchasing management even more complicated. In some cases, local distribution channels have very high prices and long delivery times, resulting in customer needs not being met.

STARKOS can be the solution to these problems. Located in a strategic region for the provision of MRO, we have competitive prices and flexible delivery. We centralize all your international operations, consolidating the entire business process and logistics in one distribution channel. Material of European, American, Asian, and African and also from the Oceania region may be purchased through our company.

The following are details of our commercial operation:

» Research / Development of suppliers: everywhere we seek the best price and delivery of the desired material, always providing the original materials. If necessary we can help develop suppliers that meet the quality standard of your company.

» Quick answers: Our specialty is the rapid return to our client. We know that not always the purchase of industrial materials can be well planned. In the case of spare parts we may not always have stock of everything and emergencies are increasingly common.

» Everything in your language: all the people connected with the English-speaking customer service.

» Personalized service: the customer will always have the same person for their care, thus facilitating the relationship between the parties.

» Customized system: Our system is designed to meet the client in all their needs. This may be that we request all the necessary information in any document you receive.



STARKOS puts at your disposal, a specialized logistics department, distributed throughout major department stores worldwide.

A wide variety of services to meet individual and diverse needs:

Follow-up: After the issuance of the Purchase Order, our logistics team is responsible for the manufacturer to deliver the material within the agreed time.

Control / Identification: All materials purchased undergo a thorough control of its receipt, thus ensuring that the customer receives the material as expected. In addition to controlling the material everything shall be identified by labels containing the internal code and the number of the Purchase Order from the client, thus facilitating the receipt of the material at the destination.

Consolidation: The consolidated materials may be purchased according to customer's shipping instruction.

Packaging: The packaging is defined according to the material to be dispatched, while complying with international standards for air freight, sea and road.

Express Courier Service: For materials with small, but with great urgency.

Customs: We take100% responsibility throughout the customs process at origin and even have the possibility of the customs in the destination country.

Dangerous Goods: We are also able to ship hazardous materials, available in special packaging, all packed according to international safety standards.


Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas
  • upstream
  • downstream
  • pipeline & storage
  • supply & service


  • manufacturer
  • tier 1/2/3 suplliers
  • tires
  • contractor


  • chemical & coal
  • petrochemical
  • pulp and paper
  • waterworks
  • food & beverage

Other industries

Other industries
  • iron & steel
  • mining
  • power
  • EPC


STARKOS has a diverse, worldwide portfolio of brands and manufactures.

Check out the brands:

Atlas Copco
GE Fanuc
Lapp Kabel
Pepperl Fuchs
Schneider Electric



Hotterstrasse 13 80331 München Germany
+49 89 944 6799-0
+49 89 944 6799-69


Sales Department
+49 89 944 6799-11


Logistics Department
+49 89 944 6799-21

STARKOS Industrial Materials

Copyright © 2025 - STARKOS GMBH

Agência Nibler


Transparenz und offene Kommunikation sind innerhalb und außerhalb der STARKOS GmbH für uns selbstverständlich. Wichtige Informationen über die STARKOS GmbH und wie Sie einfach Kontakt zur STARKOS GmbH aufnehmen können, finden Sie hier.

Hotterstrasse 13
80331 München

Amtsgericht München | HRB 195414
Steuernummer: 143/182/80771
USt - IdNr.: DE280546375
Telefon: + 49 89 944 6799-0
Telefax: + 49 89 944 6799-0
Geschäftsführer: Frederico Nascimento / Marcelo de Souza Lima
Für unsere Kunden gelten STARKOS Allgemeinen Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen.


1. Inhalt des Online-Angebotes

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